Zsuzsi WolfEvolve To Art


Zsuzsi Wolf

Zsuzsi Wolf

Evolve To Art

I’ve been drawing since I was a kid, and started to do it more seriously in 2015, after astronomy, atmospheric optics and photography became my hobbies. Then, in 2017, my interests expanded to painting. I am constantly learning different new techniques and methods such as dry brush technique, gouache, phosphorescent paint, structure paste, and airbrush.

My paintings are mainly done in acrylic on stretched canvas, and I also paint the sides of the canvas. The advantage is that you don’t need to buy an additional picture frame for the painting, it is aesthetically pleasing on its own.

After the painting is finished, it receives several layers of varnish, which enhances the intensity of the colors and provides an additional protective layer.

At the moment I paint primarily on space-related subjects, but if requested I can also paint on the basis of a good quality photo taken by you, on a prearranged subject (for example, wildlife, pets, landscapes, space, airplanes…).